Saturday, March 26, 2016

Day 19 Dropping 100 | CF Games Open WOD 16.5

A Fresh N Fit Friday included staying on my exercise plan - 10K steps a day an a minimum of three CrossFit WOD's per week, but today's WOD at was a little more challenging, in that, it was the last of the 2016 CrossFit Games Open WOD's.  If you have not been doing CrossFit for a while, DO NOT attempt this as prescribed.  Please scale the weight and the reps.  I would suggest beginners do no more than 21-15-9 reps with loading of 65# for guys and 35# for women

CF Games Open WOD 16.5 is as prescribed: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps (84 total of each) of two movements Thrusters with 95 pounds on the bar and Bar Facing Burpees.  I think the entire world hates Burpees, so if you like them, you should have your head examined.  I'm kidding, the Burpee is one of the most basic multi-joint functional movements God intended our bodies to do.  This one movement helps your fitness on so many levels and all you have to do is lie on the ground and then get up, and then do it again, and again, and again.  Sounds simple enough right?

I did it as prescribed and it ended up being a very long METCON (metabolic conditioning) WOD.  The fittest in the world did this in under 10 minutes, and it took me 36 minutes and 26 seconds.  I was thinking, you can't quit, so enjoy the pain.  I was just happy to finish.  Another little victory.  Anytime you want to quit and you don't, you win!  Enjoy the video, watch out for the video bomb by Coach Bryan, and remember to be Better Than Yesterday!.

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