Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Day 52 Dropping 100 | Weigh In Wednesday

I have a digital scale at home that has read "Errr" whenever I stepped on it for the last year or more, because I was too heavy for it to register my weight.  That ended today, as my scale now registers my weight again!  Yay, what a great feeling.  My weight loss journey reached a threshold today - I passed the midway point.  The Nutrition, Exercise, and Life Style Changes are working very well.  I did change to Fresh N Fit's "LOW CARB" 1800 calorie beast mode meal plan, and I did add another CF WOD each week, but have not added any additional life style changes, as I'm still drinking 1/2 my body weight in water and reading at least 10 minutes a day.  I'll be making some modifications in the next 30 days, but that's for a later post.  That's my recipe for success so far, what's yours?  Check out my latest update video:

A reminder about this blog; it's my personal recommendations and ask that you check with your primary care physician before attempting any weight loss program or implementing any of what I'm doing.  Thanks for following this blog, on Instagram (@pjcrossfit), or on Fresh N Fit's blog.  Have a great day and remember to be better today than you were yesterday!

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